Es gibt leider keine Deutche Version für Eden III. Spezifikationen sind auf deutsch.
The Eden 1 and Eden 2 became a star in the intermediate-performance category with a huge influence on the paragliding market. It retains its excellent qualities and reputation in the paragliding and paramotoring community. Over 13 months we tested prototypes of its successor and decided to keep the name Eden. Progressing from the Eden 2, we were challenged to make lighter brake pressure and retain the excellent behaviour during take off, security and handling of the canopy. We tested 7 prototypes with different airfoils and several line configurations. Each prototype also received intensive extended testing for use with a paramotor.
The Eden 3 has 52 cells, which get thinner closer to the wing tip. The slim elliptical form of the canopy has an aspect ratio of 5.26. The line configuration used is from the Intox and helps maintain a clean canopy. Diagonal V-tapes and a system of load-bearing tapes give the canopy stability and influence easy behaviour during extreme manoeuvres. The canopy is very resistant to collapse. It features excellent stability throughout the full weight range and speed window. In an induced collapse the glider does not rotate quickly and will usually reopen within 50 degrees.
MAC pilots already know that we do not have to advertise the easy launch and landing characteristics. Despite high performance potential and agile handling the Eden 3 has good dampening in all axes. The light brake pressure allows pleasant turns during long thermal flights, but increases progressively toward the end of its travel to offer safety reserves. The Eden 3 is equipped with split A risers for easy big-ears.
The use of high-quality materials and constant quality control during our own MAC PARA manufacturing process together with consistent development work on our computer programme “PG” produces high quality products. We are proud of them.
The Eden 3 PPG is DULV certified.
Gleitschirm Magazin
From the Eden 3 MAC PARA promise Eden on Earth.
Gleitschirm magazine has put this Eden bird under the magnifying glass.
It’s only the name which MAC retains throughout the development of their intermediate glider the Eden 3.Uniformity and detail are very important for these Czechs and they have taken time for development. Only one year after the restructure of the DHV 1-2 category and four years after the introduction of the Eden 2 to the market [2700 were sold according to company information] its successor was introduced. Sixteen prototypes were made and tested with the goals of longer brake range and refined response of the canopy to brake input compared to the Eden 2. A further very interesting construction goal was set by Peter Recek, “the glider must be excellent for paramotoring”. Consequently the designer tested each prototype with a paramotor.
It was difficult to achieve ideal damping of the roll axis without a detrimental influence on the handling for free flying. A courageous goal, which was perfectly achieved after 18th months of development and testing. The Eden 3 flies equally well whether free flying or paramotoring.
Construction and workmanship
The Eden 3 wasn’t designed as one might expect, using the same shape as its predecessor. A greater influence on its design was the Intox. The aspect ratio was reduced and the number of cells was increased to 52, which progressively narrow towards the wing tips. The concept departs from easy construction with every second rib attached and diagonal segments on the A’s,B’s and C’s.
During fine tuning of the final prototypes priority was given to the different panel tensions. It has lead to very easy take-off characteristics and perfect performance. The combination of different materials, also used on other MAC PARA models, is a precious compromise between: quality workmanship; long life materials and achievement of low weight. 5.85 kg is genuinely the maximum weight of the glider. Together with a minimum volume we can say that the Eden 3 is useable as a mountain paraglider. It is really strange, because paramotoring implies stronger due to the heavier load. Construction was load tested to 8G at the maximum weight of 197 kg [nearly1.600 kg]. Nevertheless paramotoring versions are equipped with even stronger Edelrid 6843/340 mainlines.
Take off
The Eden 3 retains its predecessor’s charms with its easy behaviour during takeoff, which we can describe as suitable for beginners. This MAC intermediate doesn’t need special tricks to lay-out the canopy on the ground and organising the lines can be described as average. Simply by pulling on the centre A`s the canopy climbs reliably, it is easy to control and to correct. It has no tendencies to overshoot. Although the behaviour of canopy remains somewhat damped whilst maintaining a straight course, reaction of the canopy is precise and speedy to brake input and allows corrections during take off. FlightThe first time a pilot takes to the air with the Eden 3, he will initially notice the consistent flight behaviour and specially the very easy and precise handling. In our comparison of DHV 1-2 gliders the new Eden 3 was promptly awarded the position of all-rounder, among others thanks to easily achieved descent manoeuvres. The Eden 3 maintains its course and flies fluently through the air, while very precisely steerable. It gains advantage from its more or less flat turns. In turbulence you occasionally feel lift on the inside but turning is not affected by it at all. The Eden 3 continues to turn fluently and the outside does not show any loss of internal pressure of the wing. Although the canopy, thanks to its good damping, gave a flexible and resilient impression, it seems in the long axis a bit stiffer, weight-shift is somewhat less effective, but at the same time it benefits from a high damping of roll movement. When thermaling the feedback from the brakes is excellent. Thanks to its flat turn the Eden 3 is naturally in its element in light conditions, but it also feels good in strong thermals. Once the Eden 3 flies into a strong thermal, it can be steeply banked, it leaves behind its tendency to turn flat; and turning with high angle gives a good impression. Pressure in the brakes remains light. Entry to and exit from thermals are well balanced. The canopy doesn’t sit back and doesn’t surge forward and stabilizes by it-self over the pilot. The speed system can be used for extended periods without pain, saving power and energy during XC flights. The effective use of the speed system over long distances was demonstrated by Bernhard Plasser at the end of May 2005. He “catapulted” his Eden 3 from Pizgau in Austria for a flight of 170 km. Reaction of this glider to asymmetric collapse is without any surprise. Normally the Eden 3 is almost unaffected by any surge and immediately and spontaneously recovers from an asymmetric collapse with a turn of less than 90 degrees. Only during BIG asymmetric collapses does the pilot notice a marked surge of the canopy, nevertheless turn during recovery is not more than 90 degrees. If the pilot reacts with counter-steer then it is easy to keep the canopy in straight flight and without problem and easy to maintain course. A normal (small) collapse is followed by smooth reopening of the canopy without input. Occasionally it is beneficial to speed the process with adequate counter-steering.
Descent options
Big Ears.
Thanks to split A risers big ears are easy. If the pilot pulls the outer A`s down, the ears fold-in cleanly and remain in this position without pilot input. The closed part is relatively large and thanks to this sink rate is really effective. Combining Big Ears with the use of the speed bar the sink rate can be improved. It is possible to control the glider using weight shift but you can reach turns with a high radius. For this reason is better to support this manoeuvre with use of the speed system, because the Eden 3 is then more manageable and dynamic. Reopening of big ears must be made with clean and progressive application of the brakes.
B-Stall on the Eden 3 can be described as a brave (parade) manoeuvre, because rarely can another paraglider achieve the level of this DHV 1-2 glider with its simple performance, behaviour and effectiveness. As the pilot pulls the B risers down and the airflow on the canopy brakes away with lowering resistance in traction the canopy cleanly "breaks”. The canopy falls minimally backwards. During the B-stall the canopy remains extremely stable, it does not show any twist or turn to the side and descends with a sink rate more than 8m/s. As soon as the B risers are released the glider returns to flight reliably with a soft surge, without demands for pilot input.
Spiral dive
Spiral dive with this new MAC glider a simple and practicable manoeuvre. Using a moderate input the Eden 3 enters spiral dive and responds to the pilot’s commands without tendency to any spontaneous acceleration or deceleration with rapid exit. The amount of sink rate can be changed by progressive application or release of the brake. A sink rate of more then 18 m/s can be easily achieved by the use of higher brake pressures. Behaviour during exit from the spiral dive is also exemplary. It does not surge unexpectedly from this manoeuvre and can be easily piloted out of the spiral dive. Even if the pilot ends the spiral dive too abruptly, the danger of flying in your own turbulence is very small.
The MAC team have succeeded in creating a genial "all-rounder" with a wide spectrum of use.
On one hand the Eden 3 offers, due to its wide-ranging control clear dynamic and straightforward manoeuvres needed for descent options and good behaviour during extreme manoeuvres, which will be appreciated by talented beginners and especially by paramotor pilots. On the other hand it provides performance oriented pilots enough potential for XC flights. Primarily the Eden 3 will inspire thermal specialists. Well balanced behaviour with excellent feedback in thermals combined with a magnificent climb rate offer everything a pilot could wish for. At the same time the Eden 3 belongs in the narrow selection of gliders for para-alpinists thanks to its low weight and volume.
Short summary – features
Correct sewing and fabrication. Light construction! (Rating 4)
Take off
Suitable for beginners! Easy take off handling by strong wind. (Rating 5)
Wide spectrum of use! Handling and performance potential! Especially suitable for XC flights. (Rating 5)
Big ears
Easy and effective! Sense of speed system using. (Rating 5)
Excellent manoeuvre! Easy to do, reliable exit. (Rating 5)
Spiral dive
Not demanding. Ideal for beginners. Exit not demanding! (Rating 5)
1 insufficient
2 medium
3 good
4 very good
5 excellent
Increase of pressure with brake application
10 cm - 0.6 kg
20 cm - 2.5 kg
30 cm - 3.8 kg
40 cm - 6.0 kg
50 cm - 8.0 kg
Glide: 8.3 (at trim speed)
Glide is measured by the Gleitschirm team in a very exacting way. In the same way as for sail-planes, measurements are made in absolutely calm air (before sunrise) using a few flights in company with a reference calibrated glider. At the same time pilots exchange between tested and reference gliders.
Both harnesses used and pilot’s weights are identical. After each flight, height differences between the gliders are measured with very accurate instruments. Finally using data from all flights the average glide angle of the tested glider is calculated. Using this method an accuracy of +/- 0.1 is achieved (when compared with results from the reference glider). Measuring instruments: 2x Aircotec XC-Trainer.
Surface Top Leading Edge: | Skytex 9017, Coating E77A 40 g/m2 |
Surface Top Trailing Edge: | Skytex 9017, Coating E38A 40 g/m2 |
Surface Bottom: | Skytex 9017, Coating E38A 40 g/m2 |
Main ribs: | Skytex 9017, Coating E29A 40 g/m2 |
Diagonal ribs: | Skytex 9017, Coating E29A 40 g/m2 |
Minor ribs: | Skytex 9017, Coating E38A 40 g/m2 |
Upper lines: | Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 6843 – 80 kg, – 120 kg |
Main lines: | Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 6843 – 340 kg, – 240 kg, – 160 kg |
The Eden 3 is manufactured using the paragliding industries well established lightweight material with excellent durability; Skytex 40, from Porcher Sport (NCV). Because for any glider, the part that always wears out first is the leading edge, we use Skytex 40 with double water repellent coating E77A for this. For the less stressed areas of the sail we use Skytex 40 with E38A coating. For the supporting and diagonal ribs we use Skytex 40 with “hard finish” coating E29A. This gives the advantage of a sail that is both lightweight and very durable.
Tech datas
Eden 3 22 |
Eden 3 24 |
Eden 3 26 |
Eden 3 28 |
Eden 3 30 |
Eden 3 |
Zoom flach [%] | 92 | 92 | 96.5 | 100 | 104 | 109 |
Fläche ausgelegt [m2] | 22.24 | 23.66 | 26.03 | 27.96 | 30.24 | 33.21 |
Fläche projiziert [m2] | 19.72 | 21.14 | 23.26 | 24.99 | 27.02 | 29.68 |
Spannweite flach [m] | 10.62 | 11.16 | 11.7 | 12.13 | 12.61 | 13.22 |
Streckung flach | 5.26 | 5.26 | 5.26 | 5.26 | 5.26 | 5.26 |
Flügeltiefe [m] | 2.63 | 2.63 | 2.76 | 2.86 | 2.98 | 3.12 |
Anzahl Zellen | 50 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 |
Schirmgewicht [kg] | 5.5 | 5.8 | 6 | 6.2 | 6.5 | 6.8 |
Startgewicht [kg]* | 62-80 | 70-90 | 77-100 | 85-110 | 100-130 | 115-145 |
Min. Geschwindigkeit [km/h] | 23-25 | 23-25 | 23-25 | 23-25 | 23-25 | 23-25 |
Trimmgeschwindigkeit [km/h] | 36-38 | 36-38 | 36-38 | 36-38 | 36-38 | 36-38 |
Max. Geschwindigkeit (beschleunigt)[km/h] | 46-48 | 48-50 | 48-50 | 48-50 | 48-50 | 48-50 |
Gleitzahl max. | 8.2 | 8.3 | 8.3 | 8.3 | 8.3 | 8.3 |
Min. Sinken [m/s] | 1.15 | 1.15 | 1.15 | 1.15 | 1.15 | 1.15 |
Zertifizierung | DHV 1-2 | DHV 1-2 | DHV 1-2 | DHV 1-2 | DHV 1-2 | DHV 1-2 |
* pilot equipped = weight naked + cca. 20 Kg