Sowohl für den Profi als auch für den Hobby-Piloten muss ein Tandem vor allem eins sein und das ist sicher! Dazu muss der Schirm einfach zu starten und einfach zu landen sein und darf im Flug nicht mit negativen Überraschungen aufwarten.
Der professioneller Begleiter für alle die zu zweit abheben
Dank seiner perfekten Start- und Landeeigenschaften ist der Pasha 5 ideal für kommerzielle Flüge. Seine gute Leistung, sowie sein leichtes und präzises Handling machen ihn aber auch zur ersten Wahl bei Hobbypiloten und Streckenjägern. Beim Pasha 5 wurde größter Wert auf kleine Details gelegt: Er hat serienmässig Bremswirbel und Velcroöffnungen an den Flügelenden, damit Sand, Grass, Blätter problemlos aus der Fläche entfernt werden können.
In der Luft ist die Kappe extrem stabil und gibt dennoch ein gutes Feedback. Selbst leicht beladen bleibt jede Situation unter Kontrolle. Der Bremsdruck ist gering und lädt zu langen Flügen ein. Die maximale Geschwindigkeit liegt bei hohen 47km/h, was auch bei viel Wind Sicherheitsreserven schafft.
Ultimate luxury flying saloon for two.
The quintessential tandem paraglider with supreme every day work capabilities.
Have you been flying paragliders for some time and thinking how great it would be to share the excitement with others?
Maybe your goal is to take people on introductory paragliding flights or start a new paraglider tandem business.
Regardless of your intentions, you will need a larger paraglider designed specifically to handle the extra weight of a passenger while maintaining the handling characteristics you are familiar with.
The Pasha 5 is Mac Para`s offer for luxurious flights for your passengers to remember for a lifetime.
Quality you can Trust
Following in the Mac Para tradition, the Pasha 5 is an extension of the quality and performance found in all their paragliders but for tandem operation. The Pasha 5 is easy to handle both on the ground and in the air without compromising safety. According to Petr Recek (the designer at Mac Para) its features have made the Pasha 5 tandem paraglider better than ever!
Performance Highlights:
- Precision handling to make it a joy to fly multiple times every day.
- Light brake pressure for easy thermaling.
- Outstanding climb potential to extend the duration of your tandem flights.
- Great cross country potential with excellent glide.
Easy Flight Characteristics:
Incredibly easy take offs with good low speed lift to get you and your passenger off the ground sooner. Only a few steps with lightly applied brakes and you are in the third dimension of flight. Simple and easy to fly safely with no surprises to maximize your flights.
The Pasha 5 is very stable in flight with good speed even when lightly loaded.
Smooth Landings with effective flair. The flare is nice with good control of speed. With good piloting you do not need to take a step forward when landing.
Robust Construction and Design
- Higher aspect ratio for a noticeable responsive feel.
- Special leading Edge C-Rod Technology designed for long durability and quicker inflations.
- New airfoil and improved aerodynamic shape for better penetration and glide.
- Low drag combination of hybrid sheathed/unsheathed lines for increased speed and performance. This resulted in less drag over the airfoil and giving improved glide performance.
- Optimized number and positions of attachment points on the canopy for higher loadings.
Multi-Purpose Options
Perfect for both tandem free flight paragliding and tandem powered paragliding.
Optional paramotoring lines and risers available for powered paragliding.
Obersegel Eintrittskante: | Skytex 9017, Coating E25A 38 g/m2 |
Obersegel Hinterkante: | Skytex 9017, Coating E25A 38 g/m2 |
Untersegel: | Skytex 9017, Coating E25A 38 g/m2 |
Hauptrippen: | Skytex 9017, Coating E29A 40 g/m2 |
Querverstrebungen: | Skytex 9017, Coating E29A 40 g/m2 |
Zwischenrippen: | Skytex 9017, Coating E25A 38 g/m2 |
Gallerieleinen: | Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 6843 – 60 kg,– 80 kg, 7343 –140kg Cousin Trestec – Vectran 0,9 |
Stammleinen: | Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 7343 – 190 kg,– 280 kg,– 420 kg |
Pasha V |
Pasha V |
39 |
39 |
Zoom [%] | 95.7 | 100 |
Fläche ausgelegt [m2] | 39.17 | 42.5 |
Fläche projiziert [m2] | 35.07 | 38.05 |
Spannweite ausgelegt [m] | 14.54 | 15.15 |
Streckung ausgelegt | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Flügeltiefe [m] | 3.36 | 3.5 |
Anzahl Zellen | 54 | 54 |
Schirmgewicht [kg] | 8.55 | 8.7 |
Startgewicht [kg]* | 120-190 | 130-225 |
Min. Geschwindigkeit [km/h] | 23-25 | 23-25 |
Trimmgeschwindigkeit [km/h] | 36-38 | 36-38 |
Max. Geschwindigkeit (beschleunigt)[km/h] | 45-47 | 45-47 |
Gleitzahl max. | 9.3 | 9.3 |
Min. Sinken [m/s] | 1.05 | 1.05 |
Zertifizierung | LTF/EN-B | LTF/EN-B |
click here to DHV Test report Pasha 5 - 39 |
click here to DHV Test report Pasha 5 - 42 |